Well folks, if you can’t afford your membership, you may find that it expires. I’ve done this before, and here is what to expect:
You will still have all the clothes that you bought, but you will not be able to wear any of them. However, for some reason the pins and flags you have are still useable. All the items that you had in your igloo will be taken away and put into a special storage place. You can get them out again when you next pay your membership. Sadly, any igloo upgrades will be gone forever. On the brighter side, you will still have all your pets, even if they are special ones that only members can get.
So that’s it, and I don’t recommend that you lose your Club Penguin membership, but if you do, it’s not TOO bad when you get it back again.
go to www.pinkpingu44.wordpress.com
eegads!!!! lose igloo upgrades?!?! omg! *runs to best buy and buys membership gift card* xD lol that is nasty though!!! =\
can someone please give me their membership or tell me how to get points on prizerebel
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