Club Penguin Money Cheats
Have you met Rockhopper?

Download the CHEAT TOOLBAR!
Club Penguin Glitches

Club Penguin Missions
Furniture Catalog Secrets

Tip the Iceberg
How to make more CP money!

Clothing Catalog Secrets
Ever met Aunt Arctic?

Friday, 12 October 2007

Win a Year's Membership to Club Penguin

"Looks-Cool" are offering a chance to win a year's Club Penguin membership! So for all of you who are trying to get a Club Penguin membership for free, enter the competition and get one! Sounds alright, doesn't it?

Friday, 5 October 2007

Club Penguin Cheats and Secrets

This is my blog about Club Penguin, especially Club Penguin Cheats and Club Penguin Secrets. Follow one of those links to our discussion forum, or choose Money Cheats if you want to read how people get lots of cash in CP!!!

Thursday, 4 October 2007

How I make money from this blog

I have written this because I’ve seen that a lot of people have set up blogs and websites about Club Penguin, but they are not earning money from them. Maybe they don’t know how, maybe they think they are too young, or maybe they can’t be bothered. Whatever the reason, I’m going to tell you how to do it.

First, what do I do? Well, I have this blog about Club Penguin, and I also run another website on the same topic. This blog is really just for cheats, and the website covers secrets and getting more Club Penguin money. From these two sources I make about $600 per month profit, which is around £300. It takes me quite a bit of work in the evenings, but its fun to do, and its easier than working at a job for the money. Plus, if I don’t feel like working on my blog for a few weeks, I just leave it alone and it carries on earning money for me.

So, how is it done? First, you need to know what Google Adsense is. Adsense is a scheme run by Google that enables you to put adverts on your blog or website. There are some adverts on this page, and when someone clicks on one of the adverts, I get paid for it. How much? Somewhere between 1c and 10c per click, depending on what the advert is for. Doesn’t sound like much does it, but when you think that hundreds of people come to my website every day, and a lot of them click on the adverts, you can soon see how I earn about $20 per day. It costs nothing to do this, so all the money is pure profit. This website is free (provided by Blogger) and Google charges nothing for their adverts.

So if you haven’t done so yet, sign up for Google Adsense by clicking the following link:

Join Adsense Here

Next, how to put the ads on your blog. If you’ve got a Wordpress blog there is bad news… You can’t because they don’t allow it. If you have a Blogger blog then they make it really easy. You just go to your Template and add an AdSense unit. It will ask you for your Publisher ID which you can find in your AdSense account.

Now, you won’t get much money unless you have a lot of visitors to your blog, so you need to attract them by writing interesting articles, and inviting people to your website when you are playing Club Penguin. Also, send messages to people on Myspace, Bebo, Facebook etc and invite them to your website.

That's it for now, but more stuff on Adsense positioning, Affiliate Marketing and selling adverts coming soon...

Thursday, 30 August 2007

The new mission

Anyone beaten the new mission yet? I love it! It's not too hard... Full details can be found on the Club Penguin Tips web page. Post in the comments how you got on with the mission!

Thursday, 17 May 2007

Donut tips!

If you scroll your mouse over the donuts/rings in the dock they jump and if you scroll your mouse over the spade + bucket on the beach 4 times you get a sand castle. Sometimes this sand castle falls straight away and other times it stays until you go, but only you can see it, which is a shame.

You can find lots more Club Penguin Secrets all over the web. A lot of people like using WordPress to make their sites, but I prefer Blogger.

How to get the GOLD Viking helmet

I know how to get the gold VIKING HELMET. First, you click on all the stars on the necklace. Then a red helmet will show up in the middle. Click on the red viking helmet, close and opening it 4 times, then a blue viking helmet will appear. After that, you click on the crown and the gold viking helmet will appear!

What happens when your membership expires – Slightly Nasty!

Well folks, if you can’t afford your membership, you may find that it expires. I’ve done this before, and here is what to expect:
You will still have all the clothes that you bought, but you will not be able to wear any of them. However, for some reason the pins and flags you have are still useable. All the items that you had in your igloo will be taken away and put into a special storage place. You can get them out again when you next pay your membership. Sadly, any igloo upgrades will be gone forever. On the brighter side, you will still have all your pets, even if they are special ones that only members can get.
So that’s it, and I don’t recommend that you lose your Club Penguin membership, but if you do, it’s not TOO bad when you get it back again.

Pin Locations

The two most recent pins are in the Ski Village, and on the beacon of the lighthouse. Now you should be able to collect them all. Don’t say we never tell you anything here, cos we DO!